blog Mar 15, 2016

Arthritis.  An all too common sign of aging.  And while we used to associate it more as something our grandparents may develop, it's surprising how many people are showing signs decades before retirement.  My friend and fellow health professional Physiotherapist, Adam Bernard provides a comprehensive look at the different types of arthritis and the ways it can affect and restrict mobility.

As Adam stated there is definitely some pre-disposition to arthritis based on genetics. In fact, the way our genes function determines 30 percent of the outcome of our health. The good news is that the science of epi-genetics now tells us that although we cannot change our genetic make up, we control the function of the remaining 70 percent.  How?  Simply by making better choices and what we choose to put into our bodies is a large piece of that 70 percent. 

There are many ways in which we can both delay the onset and minimize debilitating effects of Arthritis and other chronic diseases through good nutrition and proper supplements. Practicing prevention is always preferable to having to try and reverse a condition or manage its symptoms.  In fact, those same prevention practices that may have you asking, "Is this really going to help in the long run?" will most likely be some of the most effective in managing symptoms after the fact.   

Arthritis, like all diseases, is in some way a form of chronic inflammation.  Swelling, stiffness, pain, heat, redness are all signs of inflammation and in small doses, it actually promotes healing.  Think of falling and skinning your knee.  It hurts, may be a little swollen, painful, definitely red around the injured area, but in a few days all those symptoms are gone, and it's healing nicely.  Now imagine if that knee never healed.  What if the swelling wouldn't go down, the skin wouldn't heal and there was always pain?  This is what chronic inflammation is like on the inside.  

Reducing inflammation is obviously key to relieving symptoms and the best way to start is to eliminate the things causing the inflammation in the first place.  Food, toxins and excess weight are three biggies.  Inflammatory foods can be wrapped up and defined as, frankly almost anything in a wrapper.  Most packaged foods contain high amounts of salt, sugar, preservatives and other non-food ingredients.  Combined with high processing and low nutrient value and you've got a perfect storm of inflammation .  Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption to three or four drinks per week, reducing and managing stress along with losing excess weight also have a significant impact on lowering inflammation.  Losing just 18 pounds can actually lower inflammation by 23 percent. 

Eliminating things is a great place to start and adding a few key elements back in is also necessary.   Increasing your intake of antioxidants and developing a few good habits are very effective.  Increasing your daily intake of deep, richly coloured fruits and veggies (10 - 13 servings daily!), choosing supplements that work at a cellular level, staying hydrated (ladies 2 - 3 litres, guys 3 - 4 litres daily) and exercising regularly will provide a noticeable difference in a relatively short period of time.

By taking these suggestions to heart and making that shift towards a healthier lifestyle, you are effectively putting yourself on track to controlling the full 70 percent of the outcome of our health that we have available to us.  Who wouldn't want that?

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