blog Aug 17, 2016

Change. It's inevitable, the one true constant. No matter what stage of life we are in, change is always part of the deal. Sometimes positive, sometimes negative, but whether it's a little shift or a complete 180, no one can escape change. People are creatures of habit and even small changes can cause a disruption in our daily routines large enough to negatively affect our health. It is only by identifying and being prepared for these changes that we are able to use it to work for us rather than against us.

There are many, many examples of change that cause us to feel like we're riding a roller coaster – going away to school, illness, injury, divorce, death in the family, change or loss of job to name a few – but in my experience, getting married, having children and then becoming part of the “empty-nester” population are some of the biggest life changers, causing those in these situations to unconsciously neglect their health.

How or why does this happen? Simply put, failing to recognize or admit change, even positive change can be stressful enough to cause disruption in your established routine. For instance, a young couple, John and Sarah, are dating but living independently. Although they do spend a lot of time together, shopping, cooking and exercise, at least during the week, are done on his or her own schedule. Fast forward a few years, John and Sarah get married and now their separate schedules must become one. Let's take exercise for example. John always did his workout in the evening, Sarah prefers to get hers done in the morning. After a few months, neither is exercising consistently, opting to spend as much time together as possible.

While this doesn't seem like such a big deal in an of itself, what happens when John and Sarah have their first child? Another happy, joyous occasion yet adding more elements of change. As with all new parents, sleep is now a luxury and meals are thrown together quickly and often eaten at odd times. You can see how small changes can start to add up. Lack of exercise, low quality food, irregular or skipped meals left unchecked, allowing them to continue for years begins to take a toll on health. Slowly, over time enjoying fewer home-cooked meals and ordering more takeout, spending less time exercising and more time in front of the TV and each year cursing that extra five pounds that found its way around the middle. We've all either seen it or been there but it doesn't have to be.

Taking the time to sit down with your spouse or significant other at the first sign of change or stress arising can make all the difference in the world. For John and Sarah, letting each other know why they preferred a specific workout time or place would likely lead to some common ground they could both agree on, freeing up more time to spend with each other while maintaining activity levels. This simple reschedule not only reinforces their commitment to each other, but to their commitment to exercise and staying fit.

The same principle of planning ahead applies to having a baby. Before little Johnny is born is the ideal time to talk about strategies for planning and preparing meals, perhaps recruiting some eager grandparents or friends to help out before hand to stock the freezer, ensuring that healthy, nutritious meals are available. Parents, especially new parents, that are able to stay on plan with their meals will feel less stressed and have the energy needed to play with their kids and spend time with their spouse, even after a long day at work.

Continuing to recognize when to make the necessary tweaks and adjustments to accommodate the evolution of your world minimizes stress on you and your family and allows you to remain in control of your health.

The last big family change comes when the kids move out on their own and parents become “empty-nesters”. As much as we love our children, I believe every parent looks forward to this day as it represents our success as a parent. That wonderful feeling of pride as we watch our kids lead their own lives and enjoy their own successes. And of course this means more change.

After years of cooking large meals, packing several lunches, shopping in bulk at Costco and sometimes going non-stop on a tight schedule for weeks at a time, everything stops abruptly. Of course having that break is nice, frankly all parents deserve one don't we? But to stop cooking at home because “It's so hard just cooking for two..” or “I've done this for so long, I deserve to eat out.”, and to neglect exercise telling yourself “I can workout whenever I want now, maybe I'll go later today....” is not doing your health any favours.

People are creatures of habit and our bodies thrive on routine. Making sure you have one that encompasses your food and exercise, that you tweak and change to fit whatever stage of life you happen to be in allows you to enjoy life at any age. A small investment of time with reevaluations from time to time will keep your energy and metabolism up, your mind sharp and your body physically capable of doing the things you want or need to do on a daily basis. An ROI worth the time, don't you think?

CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) comes to Kelowna! Learn how to reverse disease and create a life of health with renown physician, Dr. Hans Diehl, DrHSDc, MPH, FACN, President of the Lifestyle Medicine Institute, Loma Linda California. Free information nights Sept 18, 6:00pm and Sept 21, 7:00pm actual course to run Oct 2-30. Call 250.764.8638 to register or for more information and visit for testimonials

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