blog Feb 01, 2017

I know we're just barely into February, but looking ahead and getting a jump on something before it becomes a problem always yield better results than trying to make adjustments later.  Our exercise is no exception. As a person who enjoys going to the gym daily and having done so for literally decades now, I need to remind myself that for some, showing up at the same place day in and day out is not fun, comfortable and friendly, but rather downright boring.  It is to those people who this blog is dedicated to today.  Find the fun here...

With January being the month where gym enrollments increase the most, diet books sales skyrocket and more health programs are googled than ever, it's fair to say that it's a time of new beginnings. With these new beginnings come great intentions and commitments in the hopes that this year, this time success will happen for them.  Depending what you're tackling, there can be any number of things that show up to sabotage your long-term success but when it comes to exercise, the biggest killer is boredom.  

Whether exercise is something brand new for you or whether you feel like Norm on that old sitcom "Cheers" when you walk into the gym, it's important to make sure you make your workouts fun.  Yes, that's right YOU need to make them fun.  At the end of the day, we get out of our exercise what we put into it so invest a little time every month and take stock on where your at with your current program.  Now, I'm not suggesting that you design your own program or anything like that, but look back at your exercise for the month and ask yourself, "Did I enjoy that?".  If the answer was "no" change it up.  Try a class you've never tried before, speak to a trainer about your goals and get a program to do, join a running, hiking, snowshoeing or dance club, join forces with a friend or spouse - it's amazing how many options really are out there when you take a few minutes to look. 

For those of us who enjoy routine, stick your schedule and even to the type of exercise you do if you must, but do switch up the order of your workouts, number of reps and duration. Not only will changing up your exercise routine keep it fresh and fun, you'll get better results. And you won't have to hike to the top of a mountain to feel like you're on top of the world. 

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