blog Nov 14, 2015

For those of you who have been following along these past few weeks, you'll notice that the “Six Components of Health” series is still two components shy. Rest assured, they are not fogotten and will be our topic next time. Today's focus on reversing chronic disease was prompted by a workshop I recently attended in Penticton put on by the Okanagan Health Forum. Thank you Margie Colclough for inviting me, it was time well spent.

The Okanagan Health Forum, formed in 2005 is staffed and run by Margie and a small group of dedicated health professionals and business owners striving to “...provide cutting edge research in lifestyle medicine to health care professionals, allied health professionals, complementary health care practitioners, educators and the general public. It was designed to bring internationally acclaimed authorities on health and wellness to inspire and motivate our residents to make choices that support exceptional health and well being.” In short, they not only care about turning around the current health crisis, they are doing something about it.

Allow me to backtrack a little and look at the term “chronic disease”. There are a great many, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure are just a few that readily come to mind, most of which occur as a result of being overweight and having a poor diet. The fact of the matter is, 85 percent of the money allotted for health care is being spent on patients with chronic disease. That's an average of $6000 per person yearly in Canada, not much better than our southern neighbours who currently pay $8000 per person yearly.

The good news is, as chronic disease is created through the choices we make, it can also be reversed and optimal health restored simply by making better choices. Dr. Sid Kettner, MD, Dr. Hans Diehl, DrHsc MPH and Brenda Davis, R.D., each brought a wealth of knowledge to the Forum including statistics on patients who have successfully reversed chronic diseases through nutrition, weight loss and lifestyle changes.

Although 75 percent of chronic diseases are linked to lifestyle choices, nutrition and weight loss programs including Dr. Diehl's CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) program all boast amazing results in helping patients lose weight, which helps reverse diabetes, improve osteoarthritis, reduce dose in blood pressure medication, these practical nutritional programs are surprisingly under-prescribed. A striking contrast to the usual medicinal prescription which simply treats the symptoms without ever getting to the root of the problem.

Sick care. Treating symptons without ever getting to the root of the problem and taking care of it at the source. We, as a society are paying more than ever before in health care costs associated with chronic disease. It's no coincidence that the overweight and obesity levels are at an all time high. Given those two statistics alone we should be able to see that educating people on making the necessary changes to shed those excess pounds and reduce or eliminate their risk of chronic disease makes more sense both physically and financially than simply masking the symptoms with medication.

That being said, medication most definitely has a place. I believe it was Dr. Kettner who compared prescribing medication to providing crutches to someone with a broken leg. Crutches are needed so that the leg has time to heal with the idea being that the crutches are only temporary. The same mindset should be used when it comes to medications. Ideally, medications would be prescribed to provide the patient initial relief of his or her condition and then dietary and nutritional changes would also be prescribed to assist in reversing the patient's condition and restoring optimal health.

So, for those out there who are living with chronic disease I would like to invite you to begin making a few simple, yet necessary nutritional changes that will help you move away from chronic disease and towards better health. Whether you decide to take small steps on your own, hire a nutritionist or dietician, or enroll in the CHIP program, be confident in knowing you can take back control of your health. And you're worth it.

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