blog Apr 28, 2016

Everyone likes to feel that they belong. Whether it's within our own family, friend group, school, workplace, church or sports team we all look for that feeling of security in knowing we are among people who care about us and the encouragement that connection brings to our lives. When we succeed in finding a group who supports us and lifts us up, it's at that point when we truly thrive. This same group principle also holds true for weight loss.

Losing weight can be a very vulnerable and emotional process and those who make the decision to create a healthier lifestyle sometimes feel alone in their journey. After years of working with clients, I can say without a doubt that those who create a support system for themselves are much more likely to be successful that those who try to go it alone. And yes, I said “create” a support system.

One might think that family is the most obvious place to find support and for some that's absolutely true. My parents have always been very positive encouraging me and my sister at anything we tried and consistently letting us know we could do whatever we put our minds to. For some, unfortunately, this is not the case.

Ever heard those stories where mom is making “diet food” while the family eats something completely different? Or where one spouse sabotages the other's good intentions by bringing treats into the home saying “Just don't eat it, what's the problem?” Or the family dinner where someone says, “Oh go ahead, you know it's your favourite and really it's just one night....” I'm sure there are more than a few of you out there nodding as you read this. The truth is, these situations and comments can occur in any group often causing further angst.

Change can be a scary thing, even positive change. Knowing this, you'd likely expect the person making the changes to be the one feeling apprehension. The truth is that when someone makes a life-changing decision to lose weight and take back control of their health, that decision also affects all who are near and dear to them. Like dropping a rock into a pond, the ripples spread out and keep going, touching everything in its circle of influence. So, how do we make sure those ripples avoid contact with the negative and make sure we have the tools and support we need to succeed? Create it.

It's well known there is safety in numbers, and there is also success if you know where to look. If you are serious about making some healthy changes in your life surrounding yourself with people who are also looking to improve their health is going to be the best way to succeed. Recruiting a few friends or even a partner for a weekly walk or joining an exercise program together is not only more fun with friends, you'll keep each other accountable on those days when you may feel like ditching. Meal planning is also something that's more fun with friends. Pick a day each week and get together to do some shopping and prep. Many hands make light work and before you know it a week's worth of work is done. And if you don't have anyone you're comfortable approaching, check out Parkinson Rec Centre's “End the Dieting Madness” program. If cost is an issue, Facebook has free support communities. Groups such as “8 Weeks is All it Takes” and “Zen Project 8” are both closed groups filled with partipants working to achieve their weight loss and health goals, along with qualified coaches offering tips, recipes and support.

Bottom line, health is our most valuable asset and therefore should be our biggest investment. Are you getting the greatest return on your investment? The level of health you are currently either enjoying or suffering with should give you an idea.

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